Hui a Iwi for Members - Saturday 21 September, 1024 @ 1pm

Hui a Iwi for Members - Saturday 21 September, 1024 @ 1pm

Sep 9, 2024, 5:00 PM

Following on from the Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika (Port Nicholson Block Settlement) Trust AGM on Saturday 21 September 2024 Te Ātiawa ki te Upoko o te Ika a Maui Potiki members are invited to attend the hui a iwi.

This hui will provide members the chance to hear from the MACA team, and also the Trustees on two other important kaupapa.  It is a chance for the membership to offer korero which will help provide direction for the Trust Board. 

In the morning from 9:00am to 12:00 noon Taranaki Whānui ki te Ika (Port Nicholson Block Settlement) Trust will be conducting its AGM which is strictly for their registered members .

This will be followed by kai at 12 noon (of which you are invited to partake).   The afternoon session of the day will consist of presentations and korero on:  

  1. MACA
  2. Trust's Strategic Plan
  3. Review of the Te Atiawa ki te Upoko o te Ika a Maui Potiki Deed of Trust and the subsiduary  Atiawa Nui Tono Fisheries Limited Constitution.

Members are invited to attend and provide their input into these three kaupapa that impact directions for the Trust Board and the membership.

This Hui-a-Iwi will be conducted in person as well as livestreamed.   To assist with catering  requirements kindly complete the Registration form.  CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION FORM   For those that are not able to attend in person please fill in the  Live Stream section of the Registration form so the link can be sent to you.

If you would like to register your apology and receive details on the outcomes from the Hui-a-Iwi please CLICK HERE

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