
Mission Vision Values

Te Kaupapa | Mission

Kia tipu te oranga o Te Ātiawa ki te Upoko o te Ika.  Creating prosperity for the uri of Te Ātiawa ki te Upoko o te Ika.

Te Huapae | Vision

Mēnā kei te ora ngā moana, ngā awa, ngā roto me te whenua, ka pērā anō tō tātou iwi.  If the oceans, the rivers, the lakes and the land are healthy, so too will our people be.

Ngā Mātāpono | Values

Toitū te moana
We actively protect and are committed to sustainable fisheries.

Kaitiaki taonga
We are stewards of our assets. 

He ngākau pono
We act with humility, integrity, and honesty. 

He ringa atawhai
We support our people.

Organisational Structure

Organisational Structure